this painting is a joke…..really….

A duck walks into a pharmacy and says “Excuse me sir, do you have any grapes?”
The pharmacist looks at the duck strangely and replies “No we don’t have any grapes, this is a pharmacy.”
The duck looks around, “Oh, OK” and walks out.
The next day the duck walks back in. The pharmacist sees him and looks a little upset.
The duck walks up to the the pharmacist and says  “Excuse me sir, do you have any grapes?”
The pharmacist, getting upset, says “No we don’t have any damn grapes, get out!”
The duck just says “Oh, OK” and walks out.
The next day the duck walks back in … again!
The duck walks up to the the pharmacist and says  “Excuse me sir, do you have any grapes?”
The pharmacist very upset (he’s had a rough week), says “NO we DON’T have any grapes, if you come in here and ask again, I’m going to nail your feet to the floor.!”
The duck, once again, just says “Oh, OK” and walks out.
Again the duck walks in, and the pharmacist looks about ready to blow a gasket!
The duck walks up and asks calmly, “Do you have any nails?”
The pharmacist relieved, calms down and says … “No we don’t have any nails.”
The duck quickly says “Great do you have any grapes!”